Winter demands winter tights

Thus my first pair of winter tights became the previously shown golden tights - although these were not characterized as winter tights but as wrestling tights. At this time I had not had my first wrestling match yet, but had been attracted by the golden colour. And when I discovered that those tights was two-layered this also meant that I often chose these when the temperature was on the low point. But the first tights I had, which I could consider as actual winter tights, was these tights from Pearl Izumi. And this also meant that I had begun to have tights in my luggage also at wintertime. In the above shown case on a winter trip to Garmisch-Partenkirchen in December 2009. And these tights have also been worn on the Halland and Scania trails, in Veksø Mose, Gribskov, Manchester, Utterslev Mose, Geelskov, Furesøparken, Jægersborg Hegn and Hareskoven.
